Clergy Application

Clergy Education Program Application

Please fill in the required information & e-mail with any required attachments to:
Clergy Director

Legal Name:

Email Address:

Religious Name (optional):

Residential Address:

Mailing Address

(if different):

Daytime Phone:



Evening Phone:

State / Province:

State / Province:

Relationship Status

Zip code / Postal code:

Zip code / Postal code:

Age of dependent children
(if any):




Name and Address of Employer (if any):

Please list your social media accounts, including FaceBook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and anywhere else where you regularly post:

Platform Account URL/Link

All personal information will be kept confidential, and will be released only as compelled by the civil law or by written permission.


The following items must be fulfilled before the candidate may apply for and be accepted into the clergy study program.

The applicant must have a high school diploma, or equivalent.
List the diploma- or degree-granting schools you have attended, beginning with your high school / secondary school. Indicate the date you left the school, any diploma or degree granted, and your area(s) of study. If you have an equivalency diploma (GRE, etc.), list the date you received it.


The applicant must have completed Hellenion’s Basic Adult Education course, or equivalent. Date of completion: ______________

The applicant must have been a member of Hellenion in good standing for a minimum of 12 months prior to application and must remain a member in good standing throughout the study period. Date of most recent Hellenion membership: ____________

The candidate must be 21 years of age or older in order to be ordained, although study may begin earlier. Date of birth: ____________

Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offense? [  ]Yes  [  ] No
If yes, please explain the circumstances in detail:


Applicant Information

Please answer the following questions as completely and as honestly as you can. (Attach a separate document.)

    • Write a self-evaluation in which you explore your strengths and weaknesses with respect to clergy work. What areas of the curriculum do you feel comfortable with? (See Clergy Education Curriculum.) Which areas do you expect to be most challenging? How will you meet those challenges?
    • What other life commitments (family, work, etc.) do you have? How will you integrate clergy work into your life?
    • What do you see as the strengths and weaknesses of reconstructionism as a religious methodology?
    • In a 1500-2000 word essay, tell us about your spiritual life so far. What religion, if any, were you raised in? What are your current feelings about that faith? What draws you to Hellenic Reconstructionism specifically? What deities are you most devoted to? Why? Have you made any personal vows to those deities?

I hereby certify that the information contained in this application is true and complete to the best of my knowledge:

(legal signature of applicant)


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