2023 January / Poseideon 2 – Gamelion Ποσειδεών Β – Γαμηλιών Year 2 of the 700th Olympiad Dark of the moon: Jan 21 – 3:53 pm AST; 2:53 pm EST; 1:53 pm CST; 12:53 pm MST; 11:53 am PST, at 43.7°N / Athens, Greece - Jan 21, 10:53 pm |
Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
1 8 Poseideon 2 Poseidon and Theseus |
2 9 Poseideon 2 Helios, the Muses and Rhea |
3 10 Poseideon 2 |
4 11 Poseideon 2 |
5 12 Poseideon 2 |
6 13 Poseideon 2 Full Moon 6:07 pm EST |
7 14 Poseideon |
8 15 Poseideon 2 |
9 16 Poseideon 2 |
10 17 Poseideon 2 |
11 18 Poseideon 2 |
12 19 Poseideon 2 |
13 20 Poseideon 2 |
14 21 Poseideon 2 Libation to Hera |
15 22 Poseideon 2 |
16 23 Poseideon 2 |
17 24 Poseideon 2 |
18 25 Poseideon 2 |
19 26 Poseideon 2 |
20 27 Poseideon 2 |
21 28 Poseideon 2 |
22 29 Poseideon 2 Hekate's Deipnon |
23 1 Gamelion Noumenia |
24 2 Gamelion Agathos Daimon |
25 3 Gamelion Athena |
26 4 Gamelion Aphrodite, Herakles, Hermes and Eros |
27 5 Gamelion |
28 6 Gamelion Artemis |
29 7 Gamelion Apollon |
30 8 Gamelion Poseidon and Theseus |
31 9 Gamelion Helios, the Muses and Rhea |
2023 February / Gamelion – Anthesterion Γαμηλιών – Ανθεστηριών Year 2 of the 700th Olympiad Dark of the moon: Feb 20 – 3:05 am AST; 2:05 am EST; 1:05 am CST; 12:05 am MST; 11:05 am PST, at 43.7°N / Athens, Greece - Feb 20, 9;05 am |
Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
1 10 Gamelion |
2 11 Gamelion |
3 12 Gamelion Lenaia |
4 13 Gamelion Lenaia |
5 14 Gamelion Lenaia Full Moon 1:28 pm EST |
6 15 Gamelionn Lenaia |
7 16 Gamelion |
8 17 Gamelion |
9 18 Gamelion |
10 19 Gamelion |
11 20 Gamelion Libation to Aphrodite |
12 21 Gamelion |
13 22 Gamelion |
14 23 Gamelion |
15 24 Gamelion |
16 25 Gamelion |
17 26 Gamelion |
18 27 Gamelion Theogamia |
19 28 Gamelion |
20 29 Gamelion Hekate's Deipnon Family Day Presidents Day |
21 1 Anthesterion Noumenia |
22 2 Anthesterion Agathos Daimon |
23 3 Anthesterion Athena |
24 4 Anthesterion Aphrodite, Herakles, Hermes and Eros |
25 5 Anthesterion |
26 6 Anthesterion Artemis |
27 7 Anthesterion Apollon |
28 8 Anthesterion Poseidon and Theseus Anniversary of the Death of Socrates |
2023 March / Anthesterion – Elaphebolion Ανθεστηριών – Ελαφηβολιών Year 2 of the 700th Olympiad Dark
of the moon: Mar 21 – 2:23 pm AST; 1:23 pm EST; 12:23 pm CST;
11:23 am
MST; 10:23 am PST, at 43.7°N / Athens, Greece - Mar 21, 7:23 pm |
Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
1 9 Anthesterion Helios, the Muses and Rhea |
2 10 Anthesterion |
3 11 Anthesterio Anthesteria - Pithoigia |
4 12 Anthesterion Anthesteria - Khoes |
5 13 Anthesterion Anthesteria - Khytrai |
6 14 Anthesterion |
7 15 Anthesterion Full moon 7:40 am EDT |
8 16 Anthesterion |
9 17 Anthesterion |
10 18 Anthesterion |
11 19 Anthesterion Libation to Hephaistos |
12 20 Anthesterion Lesser Mysteries |
13 21 Anthesterion Lesser Mysteries |
14 22 Anthesterion Lesser Mysteries |
15 23 Anthesterion Lesser Mysteries Diasia |
16 24 Anthesterion Lesser Mysteries |
17 25 Anthesterion Lesser Mysteries |
18 26 Anthesterion Lesser Mysteries |
19 27 Anthesterion |
20 28 Anthesterion Martyrdom of Hypatia Equinox |
21 29 Anthesterion |
22 30 Anthesterion Hekate's Deipnon |
23 1 Elaphebolion Noumenia |
24 2 Elaphebolion Agathos Daimon |
25 3 Elaphebolion Athena |
26 4 Elaphebolion Aphrodite, Herakles, Hermes & Eros |
27 5 Elaphebolion |
28 6 Elaphebolion Artemis Elaphebolia |
29 7 Elaphebolion Apollon |
30 8 Elaphebolion Poseidon & Theseus Asklepia |
31 9 Elaphebolion Helios, the Muses and Rhea |
2023 April / Elaphebolion – Mounykhion Ελαφηβολιών – Μουνυχιών Year 2 of the 700th Olympiad Dark of the moon: Apr 20 – 1:12 am ADT; 12:12 am EDT; April 19 – 11:12 pm CDT; 10:12 pm MDT; 9:12 pm PDT, at 43.7°N / Athens, Greece - Apr 20, 7:12 am |
Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
1 10 Elaphebolion Dionysia ta astika |
2 11 Elaphebolion Dionysia ta astika |
3 12 Elaphebolion Dionysia ta astika |
4 13 Elaphebolion Dionysia ta astika |
5 14 Elaphebolion Dionysia ta astika |
6 15 Elaphebolion Dionysia ta astika Full Moon 12:34 am ED |
7 16 Elaphebolion Dionysia ta astika |
8 17 Elaphebolion Libation to Artemis Dionysia ta astika & Pandia |
9 18 Elaphebolion |
10 19 Elaphebolion |
11 20 Elaphebolion |
12 21 Elaphebolionn |
13 22 Elaphebolion |
14 23 Elaphebolion |
15 24 Elaphebolion |
16 25 Elaphebolion |
17 26 Elaphebolion |
18 27 Elaphebolionn |
19 28 Elaphebolion |
20 29 Elaphebolion Hekate's Deipnon |
21 1 Mounykhion Noumenia |
2 Mounykhion Agathos Daimon Earth Day |
23 3 Mounykhion Athena |
24 4 Mounykhion Aphrodite, Herakles, Hermes & Eros Anniversary of the Foundation of Hellenion |
25 5 Mounykhion |
26 6 Mounykhion Artemis Delphinia |
27 7 Mounykhion Apollon |
28 8 Mounykhion Poseidon & Theseus |
29 9 Mounykhion Helios, the Muses and Rhea |
30 10 Mounykhion |
2023 May / Mounykhion – Thargelion Μουνυχιών – Θαργηλιών Year 2 of the 700th Olympiad Dark of the moon: May 19 – 12:53 pm ADT; 11:53 am EDT; 10:53 am CDT; 9:53 am MDT; 8:53 am PDT, at 43.7°N / Athens, Greece - May 19, 6:53 pm |
Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
1 11 Mounykhion |
2 12 Mounykhion |
3 13 Mounykhion |
4 14 Mounykhion |
5 15 Mounykhion Full Moon 1:34 pm EDT |
6 16 Mounykhion Mounykhia |
7 17 Mounykhion |
8 18 Mounykhion |
9 19 Mounykhion Olympeia |
10 20 Mounykhion |
11 21 Mounykhion |
12 22 Mounykhion |
13 23 Mounykhion Libation to Apollon |
14 24 Mounykhion Mother's Day |
15 25 Mounykhion |
16 26 Mounykhion |
17 27 Mounykhion |
18 28 Mounykhion |
19 29 Mounykhion |
20 30 Mounykhion Hekate's Deipnon |
21 1 Thargelion Noumenia |
22 2 Thargelion Agathos Daimon Victoria Day |
23 3 Thargelion Athena |
24 4 Thargelion Aphrodite, Herakles, Hermes & Eros |
25 5 Thargelion |
26 6 Thargelion Artemis Thargelia |
27 7 Thargelion Apollon Thargelia |
28 8 Thargelion Poseidon & Theseus |
29 9 Thargelion Helios, the Muses and Rhea Memorial Day |
30 10 Thargelion |
31 11 Thargelion |
2023 June / Thargelion – Skirophorion Θαργηλιών – Σκιροφοριών Year 2 of the 700th Olympiad Dark of the moon: Jun 18 – 1:37 am ADT; 12:37 am EDT; 11:37 pm CDT; 10:37 pm MDT; 9:37 pm PDT, at 43.7°N / Athens, Greece - Jun 18, 7:27 am |
Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
1 12 Thargelion |
2 13 Thargelion |
3 14 Thargelion Full Moon 11:41 pm EDT |
4 15 Thargelion |
5 16 Thargelion |
6 17 Thargelion |
7 18 Thargelion |
8 19 Thargelion Bendideia |
9 20 Thargelion |
10 21 Thargelion Libation to Zeus |
11 22 Thargelion Anniversary of the Death of Alexander the Great |
12 23 Thargelion |
13 24 Thargelion |
14 25 Thargelion Kallynteria |
15 26 Thargelion Plynteri |
16 27 Thargelion |
17 28 Thargelion |
18 29 Thargelion Hekate's Deipnon Fathers Day |
19 1 Skirophorion Noumenia |
20 2 Skirophorion Agathos Daimon |
21 3 Skirophorion Athena Arrephoria Solstice |
22 4 Skirophorion Aphrodite, Herakles, Hermes & Eros |
23 5 Skirophorion |
24 6 Skirophorion Artemis |
25 7 Skirophorion Apollo |
26 8 Skirophorion Poseidon & Theseus Anniversary of the death of Roman Emperor Julian |
27 9 Skirophorion Helios, the Muses and Rhea |
28 10 Skirophorion |
29 11 Skirophorion |
30 12 Skirophorion Skira |
2023 July / Skirophorion – Hekatombaion Θαργηλιών – Εκατομβαιών Year 2 of the 700th Olympiad – Year 3 of the 700th Olympiad Dark of the moon: July 17 – 3:31 pm ADT; 2:31 pm EDT; 1:31 pm CDT; 12:31 pm MDT; 11:31 am PDT, at 43.7°N / Athens, Greece - Jul 17, 9:31 pm |
Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
1 13 Skirophorion Canada Day |
2 14 Skirophorion Bouphonia & Dipolieia |
3 15 Skirophorion Full Moon 7:38 am EDT |
4 16 Skirophorion US Independence Day |
5 17 Skirophorion |
6 18 Skirophorion |
7 19 Skirophorion |
8 20 Skirophorion Libation to Athena |
9 21 Skirophorion |
10 22 Skirophorion |
11 23 Skirophorion |
12 24 Skirophorion |
13 25 Skirophorion |
14 26 Skirophorion |
15 27 Skirophorion |
16 28 Skirophorion |
17 29 Skirophorion |
18 30 Skirophorion Hekate's Deipnon |
19 1 Hekatombaion Noumenia Athenian New Year |
20 2 Hekatombaion Agathos Daimon |
21 3 Hekatombaion Athena |
4 Hekatombaion Aprhodite, Herakles, Hermes and Eros |
23 5 Hekatombaion |
24 6 Hekatombaion Artemis |
25 7 Hekatombaion Apollon |
26 8 Hekatombaion Poseidon & Theseus |
27 9 Hekatombaion Helios, the Muses and Rhea |
28 10 Hekatombaion |
29 11 Hekatombaion |
30 12 Hekatombaion Kronia |
31 13 Hekatombaion |
2023 August / Hekatombaion – Metageitnion Εκατομβαιών – Μεταγειτνιών Year 3 of the 700th Olympiad Dark of the moon: Aug 16 – 6:38 am ADT; 5:38 am EDT; 4:38 am CDT; 3:38 am MDT; 2:38 am PDT, at 43.7°N / Athens, Greece - Aug 16, 12:38 pm |
Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
1 14 Hekatombaion Full Moon 2:31 pm EDT |
2 15 Hekatombaion Synoikia |
3 16 Hekatombaion Synoikia |
4 17 Hekatombaion |
5 18 Hekatombaion |
6 19 Hekatombaion |
7 20 Hekatombaion Civic Holiday |
8 21 Hekatombaion |
9 22 Hekatombaion |
10 23 Hekatombaion Panathenaia ta megala |
11 24 Hekatombaion Panathenaia ta megala |
12 25 Hekatombaion Libation to Hermes Panathenaia ta megala |
13 26 Hekatombaion Panathenaia ta megala |
14 27 Hekatombaion Panathenaia ta megala |
15 28 Hekatombaion Panathenaia ta megala |
16 29 Hekatombaion Panathenaia ta megala |
17 30 Hekatombaion Hekate's Deipnon Panathenaia ta megala |
18 1 Metageitnion Noumenia |
19 2 Metageitnion Agathos Daimon Herakleia? \ |
20 3 Metageitnion Athena |
21 4 Metageitnion Hekatombaion Aphrodite, Herakles, Hermes and Eros |
22 5 Metageitnion |
23 6 Metageitnion Artemis |
24 7 Metageitnion Apollon |
25 8 Metageitnion Poseidon & Theseus |
26 9 Metageitnion Helios, the Muses and Rhea |
27 10 Metageitnion |
28 11 Metageitnion |
29 12 Metageitnion |
30 13 Metageitnion Full Moon 9:35 pm EDT |
31 14 Metageitnion |
2023 September / Metageitnion – Boedromion Μεταγειτνιών – Βοηδρομιών Year 3 of the 700th Olympiad Dark of the moon: Sep 14 – 10:39 pm ADT; 9:39 pm EDT; 8:39 pm CDT; 7:39 pm MDT; 6:39 pm PDT, at 43.7°N / Athens, Greece - Sep 15, 4:39 am |
Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
1 15 Metageitnion Eleusinia |
2 16 Metageitnion Eleusinia Kourotrophos, Hekate and Artemis |
3 17 Metageitnion Eleusinia |
4 18 Metageitnion Eleusinia Labor Day Labour Day |
5 19 Metageitnion The Heroines |
6 20 Metageitnion Hera Telkhinia |
7 21 Metageitnion Brazilian Indepdendence Day |
8 22 Metageitnion |
9 23 Metageitnion Libation to Demeter & Persephone |
10 24 Metageitnion |
11 25 Metageitnion Zeus Epoptes |
12 26 Metageitnion |
13 27 Metageitnion |
14 28 Metageitnion |
15 29 Metageitnion Hekate's Deipnon Hellenion Membership Renewals Due |
16 1 Boedromion Noumenia |
17 2 Boedromion Agathos Daimon Niketeria |
18 3 Boedromion Athena |
19 4 Boedromion Aphrodite, Herakles, Hermes & Eros Basile |
20 5 Boedromion Genesios |
21 6 Boedromion Artemis Artemis Agrotera |
22 7 Boedromion Apollo |
23 8 Boedromion Poseidon & Theseus Equinox |
24 9 Boedromion Helios, the Muses and Rhea |
25 10 Boedromion |
26 11 Boedromion |
27 12 Boedromion Demokratia |
28 13 Boedromion |
29 14 Boedromion Full Moon 5:57 am EDT |
30 15 Boedromion Eleusinia ta megala |
2023 October / Boedromion – Pyanepsion Βοηδρομιών – Πυανεψιών Year 3 of the 700th Olympiad Dark of the moon: Oct 14 – 2:55 pm ADT; 1:55 pm EDT; 12:55 pm CDT; 11:55 am MDT; 10:55 am PDT, at 43.7°N / Athens, Greece - Oct 14, 8:55 pm |
Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
1 16 Boedromion Eleusinia ta megala |
2 17 Boedromion Eleusinia ta megala Epidauria? |
3 18 Boedromion Eleusinia ta megala |
4 19 Boedromion Eleusinia ta megala |
5 20 Boedromion Eleusinia ta megala |
6 21 Boedromion Eleusinia ta megala |
7 22 Boedromion Libation to Hades |
8 23 Boedromion Season of Apatouria begins |
9 24 Boedromion Thanksgiving (Canada) |
10 25 Boedromion |
11 26 Boedromion |
12 27 Boedromion Sacrifices to Nymphs, Akheloös, others |
13 28 Boedromion |
14 29 Boedromion Libation to Poseidon |
15 30 Boedromion Hekate's Deipnon |
16 1 Pyanepsion Noumenia |
17 2 Pyanepsion Agathos Daimon |
18 3 Pyanepsion Athena |
19 4 Pyanepsion Aphrodite, Herakles, Hermes & Eros |
5 Pyanepsion |
6 Pyanepsion Artemis Proerosia |
7 Pyanepsion Apollon Pyanepsia & Oskhophoria |
8 Pyanepsion Poseidon & Theseus Theseia |
24 9 Pyanepsion Helios, the Muses and Rhea Stenia |
25 10 Pyanepsion |
26 11 Pyanepsion Thesmophoria |
27 12 Pyanepsion Thesmophoria |
28 13 Pyanepsion Thesmophoria Full Moon 4:24 pm EDT |
29 14 Pyanepsion The Heroines |
30 15 Pyanepsion |
31 16 Pyanepsion |
2023 November / Pyanepsion – Maimakterion Πυανεψιών – Μαιμακτηριών Year 3 of the 700th Olympiad Dark
of the moon: Nov 13 – 5:27 am AST; 4:57 am EST; 3:27 am CST; 2:27 am MST; 1:27
PST, at 43.7°N. / Athens, Greece - Nov 13, 11:27 am |
Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
1 17 Pyanepsion |
2 18 Pyanepsion |
3 19 Pyanepsion |
4 20 Pyanepsion |
5 21 Pyanepsion |
6 22 Pyanepsion |
7 23 Pyanepsion |
8 24 Pyanepsion |
9 25 Pyanepsion |
10 26 Pyanepsion |
11 27 Pyanepsion Libation to Ares Remembrance Day Veterans Day |
12 28 Pyanepsion |
13 29 Pyanepsion |
14 30 Pyanepsion Hekate's Deipnon Khalkeia |
15 1 Maimakterion Noumenia |
16 2 Maimakterion Agathos Daimon |
17 3 Maimakterion Athena |
18 4 Maimakterion Aphrodite, Herakles, Hermes & Eros |
19 5 Maimakterion |
20 6 Maimakterion Artemis |
21 7 Maimakterion Apollon |
22 8 Maimakterion Poseidon & Theseus |
23 9 Maimakterion Helios, the Muses and Rhea Thanksgiving (US) |
24 10 Maimakterion Pompaia? |
25 11 Maimakterion |
26 12 Maimakterion |
27 13 Maimakterion Full Moon 4:16 am EST |
28 14 Maimakterion |
29 15 Maimakterion |
30 16 Maimakterion |
2023 December / Maimakterion – Poseideon Μαιμακτηριών – Ποσειδεών Year 3 of the 700th Olympiad Dark of the moon: Dec 12 – 7:32 pm AST; 6:32 pm EST; 5:32 am CST; 4:32 am MST; 3:32 am PST, at 43.7°N / Athens, Greece - Dec 13, 1:32 am |
Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
1 17 Maimakterion |
2 18 Maimakterion |
3 19 Maimakterion |
4 20 Maimakterion |
5 21 Maimakterion |
6 22 Maimakterion |
7 23 Maimakterion |
8 24 Maimakterion |
9 25 Maimakterion Libation to Dionysos |
10 26 Maimakterion |
11 27 Maimakterion |
12 28 Maimakterion |
13 29 Maimakterion Hekate's Deipnon |
14 1 Poseideon Noumenia |
15 2 Poseideon Agathos Daimon |
16 3 Poseideon Athena |
17 4 Poseideon Aphrodite, Herakles, Hermes & Eros |
18 5 Poseideon Plerosia |
19 6 Poseideon Artemis |
20 7 Poseideon Apollon |
21 8 Poseideon Poseidon & Theseus Poseidea Heliogenna Solstice |
22 9 Poseideon Helios, the Muses and Rhea Heliogenna |
23 10 Poseideon Country Dionysia? |
24 11 Poseideon |
25 12 Poseideon |
26 13 Poseideon Full Moon 7:33 pm EST |
27 14 Poseideon |
28 15 Poseideon |
29 16 Poseideon |
30 17 Poseideon |
31 18 Poseideon New Year's Eve |
Jan 7/8, 2024 |